Its so nice to get back into the swing of things and this episode delivers a great insight into Clark's relationship with his father Jonathan Kent. The last time we saw Jonathan was in Clark's in-between-death-and-life vision during Lazarus. This time however it isn't the same Jonathan Kent that we know and love. This Jonathan has been screwed over by life and the meteor shower in particular. The scenes between this bitter Jonathan and Clark (who is sent to earth 2 by Clark Luthor) are the best parts of the episode. Clark looks at this man with longing for the father he lost while earth 2 Jonathan sees the man responsible for part of his misery (the other being Oliver Queen). There scenes remind us of how important Jonathan was in Clark's life and how much we (and Clark) miss him. The rest of the episode deals with Lois, Tess and Dr. Hamilton's attempts to send Clark Luthor home and get real Clark back. The stuff with CL and Tess was interesting. I've often wondered since the season started whether Tess had feelings for Clark or not and this confirmed that she did.
Final Thoughts: Loved this episode but I am looking forward to next weeks Booster even more!